Friday, April 22, 2005
Update on Town Meeting and More
Hello Everyone;
In this update:
1. Town Meeting For Monday the 25th On Social Security
2. Washington County Women's Luncheon April 23
3. Hevesi Fundraiser
4. Dean in California
5. Sweeney confronted in Albany
1. Town Meeting For the 25th On Social Security
We'd to remind everyone to put Monday, April 25th at 6pm at the Saratoga Springs Public Library on their calendar. There will be an open Town Meeting, to which Rep. John Sweeney has been invited, on the subject of Saving Social Security. This event is sponsored by the In This Together Coalition, which is closely connected to the Working Families Party, along with local democrats and our local DFA groups. There will be a panel to share their personal Social Security stories and discuss America's most important social program. If Sweeney doesn't show, there will be an open chair debate. Please tell your friends and bring them along! We really need as large a crowd as possible to attend this event to both show our support for Social Security and the growing strength of progressive activists in the North Country. It should draw a lot of publicity.
They are looking for at least two more panelists; a young person and person of color. If you know of anyone fitting these descriptions who would be willing to tell their story, (or anyone who might know someone who knows someone), please call Liz Dedrick ASAP at 369-9275.
One of the issues that came up very strongly at our recent National Action Day where a group of us met with a representative of Congressman Sweeney, is that many people don't realize how many people receive Social Security Survivor's and Disability benefits; about a third of all beneficiaries. Further, hardly anyone understands the impact of Bush's "reforms" on these vital programs.
Al Cannistraro, who was at the meeting, sends this link to an article which covers how these programs work and exposes what would happen under the Bush scheme; I highly recommend it. I know I learned a lot:
2. Washington County Women's Luncheon Tomorrow, Saturday April 23
The Washington County Democratic Women’s Spring Luncheon will be held tomorrow, Saturday, April 23, from noon to 2:00 PM at the Cambridge Hotel, 4 West Main St., Cambridge NY. The featured Speaker is Clare Brandt, Co-founder and Chairperson of the Dutchess County Democratic Women’s Caucus. $20 per person, choice of Broiled Scrod, Chicken Caesar Salad, London Broil, or a Vegetarian (Note: not tax deductible). To reserve your seat, send $20 payable to Washington County Democratic Committee (WCDC) to Louise Talkington, 3954 County Route 30, Salem NY 12865. Call Ellen Faber at (518) 677-8345 for more information.
3. Hevesi Fundraiser
There will be a fundraiser for NY State Comptroller Alan Hevesi sponsored by Saratoga County Democratic Chair Larry Bulman, Saratoga Springs Democratic Chair Shawn Thompson, and former Saratoga Springs Mayor Ken Klotz on Friday, April 29, 2005 from
5:30pm-7:00pm at One America Way, Saratoga Springs. Tickets are $50, with Sponsors at $100. Wine & light hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please RSVP to Mary Carr: 518-584-7735
4. Dean in California
Governor Dean recently gave an important speech as the keynote at the annual Convention of the California Democratic Party. You can read the full text on our blog posting below this one.
Dean particularly addresses how and why Democrats have to address the fears of millions of working Americans who have been left behind by the modern economy. There is also a fascinating echo of Dean's themes in an review/interview with social and economic guru Richard Florida, author of The Rise Of The Creative Class and other works. Dr. Florida's work is terrific, and we can clearly see his themes at work in Saratoga Springs' resurgence; Saratoga is a classic Creative City as is, for instance, Burlington. His theories are very important for local Democrats who want to run and revitalize our areas.
Incidentally, there's also a letter to the editor of Salon on this subject by yours truly on Salon today.
Dean also was in the State of Florida on Monday and gave a good speech there, too. This one has video with it and it is a corker. A free registration is required:
5. Sweeney Confronted In Albany
This is from Liz Dedrick of the In This Together Coalition:
"On Tuesday, a group of about 20 of us got together at Albany Law School to “track down” Rep. Sweeney who was giving a guest lecture at the school, so we could finally hear his views on Soc. Sec.. We stood outside the door with posters and flyers that we gave to everyone entering the building. Unfortunately, Sweeney didn’t come in our door. A few of our activists did go in to hear the lecture and ask Sweeney about his views on this critical issue. In responding, Sweeney acknowledged that we need to have “a lot of discussion” on this issue, to which the incredible Al Ormsby (one of our activists) asked, “great, so will you be coming to our town meeting next Monday at the Saratoga Springs Library?” As many of you can guess, Sweeney DID NOT commit to coming! We did get great press coverage though in the Troy Record, the Post Star, and on Channel 6 News. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who made Tuesday’s event a success!!"
Hope to see as many as possible at the Saratoga Springs Library on Monday at 6pm!
Many thanks!
Larry Dudley