Democracy For The Southern Adirondack/Tricounty Area
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tricounty DFA Update: Meetup Next Week! Time To Pitch In!
Hello Everyone;
Only Ten Days To The Election!
In This Update:
1. Meetup Next Wednesday
2. Crunch Time: Canvassing, Phone Banking
3. Tabling At Farmer's Market-- Come And Pick Up Sheets
4. Poll Watching: What is it? Why It Matters, Why We All Need To Pitch In
5. Visibility Events
6. Scary Voting Machine Stories
7. Thanks On Letters
1. Meetup Next Wednesday
Our November Glens Falls DFA Meetup will be next Wednesday, November 1st-- exactly six days before Election Day.
This posting reaches an awful lot of people. We need everyone possible to come to this meeting-- we need every volunteer possible over the next ten days to go out and work for all our candidates.
Can you take a day or two off over the next ten days? Do you really have to clean those gutters on the Saturday before the Election? Sure it can't wait until the 11th?
Here's what's it's all about-- would you rather have leaves out of your gutters, or Republicans out of office in Washington and Albany! It's up to you-- as Governor Dean says, You Have The Power!
If so, join us at the Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe at 7pm next Wednesday. Or, if you can't make that meeting, let us know you want to volunteer-- just hit reply to this message or email me at ldudley@larrydudley.com
The cafe is located on the corners of Exchange and Elm Streets and Hudson Avenue in downtown Glens Falls. For details and a map link go to: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=167
2. Crunch Time: Canvassing, Phone Banking
What will we be doing? First, Canvassing and Phone Banking.
Canvassing is going door to door greeting voters-- it's really just neighbors talking to neighbors-- what'd you'd do talking to a neighbor across the driveway or over the fence. Actually having someone care enough to actually visit them has the greatest impact on voters. We will be organizing teams of canvassers Wednesday for those want to do that.
Phone banking is the same principle as canvassing-- neighbors talking to neighbors, only instead of knocking on their door, you call them on the phone, the same way you'd call a friend or relative, and talk about why you are supporting the candidate you support.
We have received a special request from the Merrick For State Senate campaign for phone bankers. I believe Tim has a real future and it is through campaigns like his that we really build local organization and local parties. That's the way we really make change that lasts. We Take Back America by Taking Back Local Communities.
Here's the best part-- you don't have to wait until Wednesday! You can start canvassing and phone banking right away. Again, just just hit reply to this message or email me at ldudley@larrydudley.com
3. Tabling At Farmer's Market-- Come And Pick Up Sheets
We will be tabling at the Farmer's Market in downtown Glens Falls tomorrow from about 9am until noonish. We are really doing this more as a visibility event now (we've talked to a lot of people) and to connect with and serve as a rallying point for area Democrats. Come on down, join us, get up to speed and get active. For more info go to: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=12210
4. Poll Watching: What is it? Why It Matters, Why We All Need To Pitch In
There is another additional area where we need volunteers: Poll Watching. We are still using our old reliable lever action voting machines in most of our area. So election fraud, unlike some areas of the country, isn't that big a concern. However, we still need Poll Watchers.
What is a Poll Watcher? Basically, a Poll Watcher is responsible for a ward, election district or town (depending on the size). The poll watchers checks the register at the polling station to see who has or hasn't shown up to vote. Then the watcher goes home and calls people to remind them to come out and vote. (Obviously, we don't call Republicans, unless we already know they are supporters, and quite a few are.) Ideally, we would have one poll watcher for every election district, and maybe two.
This will all be coordinated, so there will be no duplication of effort! We will talk about this Wednesday, too.
5. Visibility Events
I've also been contacted by people who want to do visibility events. That's where you stand on street corners and wave signs to get people to honk their support. Obviously, direct voter contact has to take precedence. But this is a fun thing, and it is particularly good for high school students who are too young to canvass, or out of towners. That will also be on the agenda.
6. Scary Voting Machine Stories
Since elections are on everyone's mind, we should pause for a second to consider voting integrity. NYS is going to decide this year and next on new voting machines. We are making progress on this issue.
However, Freida sends along this scary story as food for thought: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/102606Z.shtml
and this:
"Those concerns crystallised last month, when a Princeton professor of computer science, Edward Felton, and two colleagues managed to hack into a new electronic voting machine without detection and install a virus that could alter vote counts - and go on to infect a wider network of machines." http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/102706Z.shtml
7. Thanks On Letters
Finally, I want to thank everyone who did a letter to the editor. I am certain there are far more letters going into local papers than during the Presidential Election two years ago. I suspect the email links and forms I send helped in this process! I know I recognize many names.
See you all soon,
Larry Dudley
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tricounty DFA: Bill Clinton Thursday Morning, Merrick Letters, More
Only 13 days to the Election!
In Todays Update:
1. Bill Clinton Thursday: Possible Changes
2. Letters For Merrick
3. Iraq The New Vietnam?
4. Climate Disaster?
1. Bill Clinton Thursday: Possible Changes
I reported yesterday that President Bill Clinton will be coming to the region Thursday morning to make an appearance for Kirsten Gillibrand.
Initial reports were that President Clinton was going to be at the Albany County Airport at 9am. However, tonight the Albany Times Union reports that:
"The rally is scheduled for 9 a.m. at the headquarters of New York State United Teachers, the state’s largest union, at 800 Troy-Schenectady Road in Latham." Doors will open at about 8am and the event will last until a bit after 10am.
Having been to Presidential type events guarded by the Secret Service, my advice is to arrive early-- space is usually scare. However, at a certain point the Secret Service may cut off further entrance for security reasons, anyway, even if space exists.
2. Letters For Merrick
We all know letters to the editor are important. The Tim Merrick For State Senate Campaign has made a particular request of our group since Tim is also a DFA member from Plattsburg, and because our group officially endorsed him last summer: they would like us to write letters to the editor supporting Tim's candidacy.
Tim is making a terrific race, but he still needs our help. You may have seen him, if you live in the Glens Falls area, in the debate with Betty Little on TV-8. He did really well. It is time for real change in Albany, not just Washington, DC.
If you would like to write a letter, here are some suggested points you could mention:
Incumbent Betty Little's record:
*Betty voted against raising the minimum wage
*She refused to support a reform bill giving rank and file senators the power to place bills on agendas or to hold debates, which gives the "three men in a room" their continued monopoly on power.
*She refused to give up proxy voting, which would mandate senators to be present to vote on issues.
*She refused to support a non-partisan committee to oversee redistricting of legislative and congressional districts
*Betty was given a failing grade, an "F", for her voting record for the middle class.
*Betty voted against allowing bulk buying of prescription drugs.
*Betty voted for allowing insurance companies more time to pay claims, which allows them to profit from money customers need.
*Betty voted for allowing more tax exemptions for millionaires with the estate tax exemption.
*Betty voted for alowing unregulated insurance companies to operate in NY.
*Betty didn't support a bill that would have allowed small business to buy much-needed health insurance in a pool, making it more affordable.
Tim Merrick's proposals:
*Immediate property tax relief for year-round residents by having vacation homeowners pay a higher tax rate. That's only fair because they don't spend their sales tax dollars here.
*Taking school taxes off the property tax system and exchanging it for an income based levy.
*Ridding the state of unfunded mandates
*Taking Medicaid burden off of the counties and placing it back on the State, saving North Country counties real tax dollars. (New York is one of only two states that still fund Medicaid with local property taxes.)
*Allowing small businesses to pool their resources to purchase affordable health care.
*Bringing needed infrastructure to the North Country which will attract susatinable business growth.
*Cut government waste and spending.
The close of business hours on October 27th is the last day to submit a letter to the editor to the Post Star, and probably other area papers as well.
Send a letter to the Post Star at: http://www.poststar.com/contact/form_letter.php
The Chronicle: chronicl@loneoak.com
All other area papers through the AAUW Two-Minutes activist page: http://capwiz.com/aauw/dbq/media/?azip=12801&search.x=23&search.y=12&command=zipresult
3. Iraq The New Vietnam?
We don't get very many views of the opposite side in Iraq, which makes a remarkable piece on Tom Paine.com today by Robert Dreyfus all that more valuable. He interviews a former Baath Party member close to the Iraqi resistance. Whatever Saddam may have been doing, his generals had a smart strategy: go underground and refight Vietnam while we were trying to refight World War Two. So far, their strategy is working. The source claims that the Baathist resistance is gaining support rapidly, and is preparing to launch a major offensive in January. Because of its uniqueness, this is clearly the "read of the week." http://www.tompaine.com/articles/2006/10/24/talking_to_the_resistance.php
4. Climate Disaster?
Also as good, although increasingly routine. are two pieces on the coming environmental disaster: one by renowned environmental activist Bill McKibben in today's Salon on climate change pioneer James Lovelock. Lovelock thinks climate change could leave most of the planet uninhabitable and cause a global population crash with as few a 200 million survivors in a century or two. Also, a new report by the BBC online (they clearly have the best coverage of these issues) on a new report that we would need three planet Earths to sustain the resource demands of the present. This report seems to back up Lovelock.
More later,
Many thanks,
Larry Dudley
Tricounty DFA Update: Candidate Appearances, Dean, Olbermann, More
Hello Everyone;
In This Update:
1. Candidate Appearances
2. Keith Olbermann Special Commentary
3. Time on Dean
4. ABC Getting It On Election Fraud
5. Bought And Sold Video Online
6. 10/27 Last Day For Letters
7. Friday Progressive Film Fest
1. Candidate Appearances
Time is running down to Election Day and candidates are running around the region. Here's a wrap up:
Tuesday, Oct. 24:
Kirsten Gillibrand and Eliot Spitzer
When: Tuesday, October 24 - 1:00 PM
Where: Country View Diner, 855 Hoosick Rd (Rt 7), Brunswick, NY
(Landmarks: On the left side of the road coming from Troy. Will pass a
WalMart on the right, BMW motorcycle dealer on the left is right before the
What: Meet and Greet and Remarks with Gubernatorial Candidate Eliot Spitzer
and Congressional Candidate Kirsten Gillibrand
Wed, Oct 25:
There will be a meet and greet at with Kirsten Gillibrand at the Fort William Henry in Lake George on from 4:30pm - 6:00pm. Contact Gillibrand Campaign HQ at 518-697-3720 for more details.
Thursday, Oct. 26:
*A late report that President Bill Clinton will be at the Albany County Airport on Thursday for an event from 8:15 to 10:30 for Kirsten Gillibrand. (Hopefully more details later-- and thanks to Carol Olszewski for this tip!).
Kirsten Gillibrand and Rep. Rahm Emanual
When: Thursday, October 26 - 12:00 Noon
Where: The State Room, 142 State Street, Albany, NY
What: VIP Reception and Luncheon with Congressman Rahm Emanual, Chair of the
DCCC to benefit Congressional Candidate Kirsten Gillibrand
Cost: $100 per person
Also Thursday, October 26th 7-9pm
League of Women Voters Candidate Forum
Clifton Park Senior Citizens Center (Clifton Commons):
Candidates for Saratoga County Clerk
Russell Brettholtz (D) vs. Kathleen Marchione (R)
Candidates for Saratoga County Treasurer
Preston Jenkins Jr. (D) vs. Samuel Pitcheralle (R)
Candidates for the 109th Assembly District
Paulette Barlette (R) vs. Robert Reilly (D)
Friday Oct. 27th
New York State Democratic Committee Chair, Herman "Denny" Farrell will visit the Washington County Democratic Committee Headquarters on Friday, October27th at 10 am. The WCDC Headquarters are located at 143 Broadway in Ft.Edward.
2. Keith Olbermann Special Commentary
There is a new Special Commentary by Keith Olbermann, the Edward R. Murrow for the 21st Century out tonight on MSNBC. Olbermann talks on the cynical marketing of terror by the Republican Party. Not to be missed!
3. Time on Governor Dean
There is a new, short article in Time Magazine just out on the sudden realization by the cynical inside the beltway crowd that Governor Dean's investment in a 50 state, all areas, strategy is about to pay unexpected dividends in areas where Democrats were not expected to win.
For more:
4. ABC Getting It On Election Fraud
ABC News did a major report on the growing awareness of how easy electronic voting machines make election fraud. Text and video is online.
"Oct. 22, 2006 -- Cheryl Kagan, a former Maryland Democratic legislator, was shocked when she opened her mail Wednesday morning. Inside, she discovered three computer discs. With them was an anonymous letter saying the discs contained the secret source code for vote-counting that could be used to alter the votes cast through Maryland's new electronic voting machines. "My understanding is that with these disks a malicious person could skew the outcome of an election," Kagan said.
5. Bought And Sold Video Online
At our last meetup we saw Bob Millman's new video Bought And Sold: Electronic Voting In New York State. Thanks to the excitment this video generated and the volunteer efforts of our members, copies are now circulating in the hands of area Supervisors. If you missed it you can now see it online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sXeCE-mpoE
Or buy your own full version copy on Ebay: http://stores.ebay.com/Bought-and-Sold-the-movie
6. 10/27 Last Day For Letters
Just a reminder: the close of business hours on October 27th is the last day to submit a letter to the editor to the Post Star, and probably other area papers as well.
Send a letter to the Post Star at: http://www.poststar.com/contact/form_letter.php
The Saratogian: letters@saratogian.com
The Chronicle: chronicl@loneoak.com
All other area papers through the AAUW Two-Minutes activist page: http://capwiz.com/aauw/dbq/media/?azip=12801&search.x=23&search.y=12&command=zipresult
7. Friday Progressive Film Fest
The Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe's Friday Night Progressive Film Fest continues this week with:
Oct 27 SCARED SACRED (2006) Velcrow Ripper 90 min.
In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeros' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. An exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil.
Time: 8pm
Because of the election approaching, I'll have another update in a day or two.
Larry Dudley
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Tricounty DFA Update: LWV Events
Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to pass along these events sponsored by the League of Women Voters:
Monday, October 23rd 7-9pm
Auditorium, Maple Avenue School (Route 9, north of SS):
Candidates for the 44th Senate Districts
Gary McCarthy (D) vs. Jeffrey Stark (W)
Candidates for the 20th Congressional District
Kirsten Gillibrand (D)
Thursday, October 26th 7-9pm
Clifton Park Senior Citizens Center (Clifton Commons):
Candidates for Saratoga County Clerk
Russell Brettholtz (D) vs. Kathleen Marchione (R)
Candidates for Saratoga County Treasurer
Preston Jenkins Jr. (D) vs. Samuel Pitcheralle (R)
Candidates for the 109th Assembly District
Paulette Barlette (R) vs. Robert Reilly (D)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tricounty DFA Correction: Merrick Fundraiser At 7pm. Also Olbermann!
The wood fired Pizza Fundraiser in Waddams, NY for Tim Merrick for State Senate is actually at 7pm Saturday, not 6pm as I earlier reported. My apologies.
It is, however, $15 for woodfired pizza and a good cause. Contact me if you want to carpool or drive.
Also-- Don't miss Keith Olbermann's latest Special Commentary: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/10/18/countdown-special-comment-death-of-habeas-corpus-your-words-are-lies-sir/
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tricounty DFA Update: Merrick/Little Debate at 8pm Thursday on TV-8, Sweeney Alert, Pizza Fundraiser and More
Hello Everyone;
In This Update:
1. Merrick/Little Debate Time Moved To 8pm
2. Sweeney At Big Cross
3. Merrick Pizza Fundraiser Saturday
4. Tabling & Canvassing
5. Iraq For Sale
6. Bought And Sold In Saratoga Wednesday, Tonight
7. Sign Up For DFA Post-Its
8. Letters To The Editor
1. Merrick/Little Debate Time Moved To 8pm
There will be a live, televised debate between 45th State Senate District Candidate Tim Merrick and Republican incumbent Betty Little on station TV-8 at 8pm tomorrow, Thursday, October 19th. NOTE: this is a change from the earlier time of 8:30.
TV-8 is viewable on air and on cable systems in the Glens Falls area. This is the first debate between Tim and Betty Little, in fact, I think it may be the first debate she has ever been in, so it should be very interesting. Again, that's 8pm, tomorrow, October 19 on TV-8.
2. Sweeney At Big Cross
We were notified by the Gillibrand campaign this morning that John Sweeney is scheduled to be reading to kindergarten students at the Big Cross Street Elementary School Cafeteria at 2:15 p.m today.
They are asking for parents/teachers in Glens Falls, or people who know parents or teachers, to call the local paper
and school administration to complain about what an outrage it is to let kids be used as political props 3 weeks before an election. The Big Cross Street School is in Glens Falls' traditionally Democratic Fifth Ward, so there should be angry Democrats to complain. If you have a kid there, or know someone who does, please encourage them to speak out.
3. Merrick Pizza Fundraiser Saturday
There will be wood-fired pizza party fundraiser for Tim Merrick at his brother's bakery in Waddams, NY, this Saturday at 6pm. The cost is $15. A group of us are planning to go up, so we are organizing a caravan. If you want to attend what should be a really fun event, please get back to me right away, so we can figure how many seats/cars we need. If you want to drive, let us know that too! It's just off the Northway, Northwest of Westport.
4. Tabling & Canvassing
We will again be tabling during the Farmer's Market on South Street in downtown Glens Falls this Saturday, October 14th from 9am until about 11am. Come out and show support for all our candidates!
For more info and to RSVP go to: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=11212
We will be organizing door to door canvassing during Saturday's tabling. Come and check before 11am at the Farmer's Market. You can take these home with you and bring them back later.
There is also a need for people to do phone banking. That's like canvassing, only you do it sitting in the office. Offices have been opened first in Saratoga Springs, the Hudson Falls and now Glens Falls. There are phones in each that need staffing. If you have a few hours to spare each week, let us or Patrick Layden know at (518) 796-0109.
5. Iraq For Sale
I know many of you got a message from DFA in Burlington about the new video Iraq For Sale, which describes the incredible corruption of the occupation of Iraq by the Bush administration.
It was shown last Friday at the Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe in downtown Glens Falls last Friday night as part of the Cafe's Friday night Progressive Film Fest. Having seen it, I can tell you it is a don't miss video. There will be a second performance of Iraq For Sale this Friday at 8pm for those who missed it last week. Here's the description again:"
Friday, Oct 20, IRAQ FOR SALE (2006) Robert Greenwald 75 min.
Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, and Uncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncovers the connections between private corporations making a killing in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.
RSVP or get directions at: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=13086
6. Bought And Sold In Saratoga Wednesday, Tonight
The video Bought & Sold; Electronic Voting In New York will also be shown by the Saratoga Peace Alliance at 5:30PM, Wednesday, Oct 18 at the Skidmore Campus, Dance Theater across from the Tang Museum , south end of Campus. Enter off North Broadway in Saratoga Springs. This is worth the trip.
For more on Electronic Voting check this new article in Forbes on how touch screen electronic voting machines can be used to steal elections: http://www.forbes.com/free_forbes/2006/0904/040.html?partner=links
7. Sign Up For DFA Post-Its
You may have gotten an email from DFA in Burlington about getting your own pad of Get Out The Vote reminder sticky notes. They're great and will be very handy next month. Sign up now to get your sent to you-- we all have to do this individually: http://www.democracyforamerica.com/stickit
8. Letters To The Editor
There have been a lot of great letters to the editor appearing on local papers, including many by our members, like Dick today or Linda's yesterday. All letters to the Post Star must be submitted at least 10 days before the election. To be safe and make sure there is room, that means Friday, October 27th.
We need to keep this up, for all our candidates: Kirsten Gillibrand For Congress, Tim Merrick For State Senate and Mayor David Carter For State Assembly.
They don't have to be long, in fact, make sure they are less than 300 words.
Send a letter to the Post Star at: http://www.poststar.com/contact/form_letter.php
The Saratogian: letters@saratogian.com
The Chronicle: chronicl@loneoak.com
All other area papers through the AAUW Two-Minutes activist page: http://capwiz.com/aauw/dbq/media/?azip=12801&search.x=23&search.y=12&command=zipresult
If you've never written a letter to the editor before, you can check out these tips: http://www.dfalink.com/uploads/files/998440e49842500b/DFNY%20letter%20tips.pdf
Thanks Everyone!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Tricounty DFA Alert: Cancellation, Iraq For Sale Showing, Canvassing, more
Hello Everyone;
This is a quick Friday night alert: Cancelation, Canvassing, Iraq For Sale and DFA Stick-it Notes.
Because of the press of competing fundraisers, the Chili Cookoff scheduled for Sunday Afternoon at Nora Nellis' in Lake George has been canceled.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this has caused! However, there may be another fundraiser slightly out of the area scheduled for next weekend and we will have more details later.
Also-- we will be tabling at the Farmer's Market in downtown Glens Falls from 9am until 11am. During the tabling we will be organizing canvassers. If you want to help canvass this weekend, please come on down!
Iraq For Sale
Finally, I was pleased to join a large crowd at tonight's showing of Iraq For Sale at the Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe. It is powerful. It is the story of corruption in the administration of Iraq that is so overwhelming as to defy description-- only images really convey the impact. I am thinking now especially of images of the utter failure to care for and support our service people: long lines of hundreds of servicemen and women standing in lines for hours in the sun and dust, slowly queing up to get a bad meal because Halliburton wants to save money. All the time they are sitting ducks for any attacker who wants to bother. Soldiers who wear filthy clothes for weeks because civilian contractors can't wash fatigues without actually making them dirtier. Marines drinking and washing in contractor supplied water contaminated with dangerous parasites.
Thanks to the Cafe there will be another showing of Iraq For Sale next Friday at the Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe at 8pm. DFA National has also supplied us with a DVD. If any of you have an idea for additional showings, please get back to us right away!
DFA Stick-it Notes
Also, if you didn't get the email from DFA in Burlington, click here to get your own special pad of Get Out The Vote reminder sticky notes: http://www.democracyforamerica.com/stickit
Thanks everyone!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tricounty DFA Update: Chili Cookoff Invitation, Merrick Conference, Iraq For Sale, Debates and more
In this update:
1. Chili Cookoff Fundraiser Invitation Reminder
2. Preston Jenkins Fundraiser With Mike Russo
3. Special Tim Merrick Press Conference On Betty Little, Brennan Center and Electioneering Abuse
4. Iraq For Sale
5. Tabling and Canvassing
6. Bought And Sold Showing In Saratoga
7. Senate Debate 10/19
8. Empty Chair Debate 10/26?
1. Chili Cookoff Fundraiser Invitation Reminder
You are invited to attend An Adirondack Chili Fundraising Fest For
Dr. Tim Merrick, Democrat Candidate for New York State Senate 45th District
His Honor Mayor David J. Carter, Democrat Candidate for New York State 112th Assembly District
Sunday October 15, 4 -6p.m.
Bring your favorite chili and Support our candidates!
Even if you can't cook please bring interested voters, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers
Please RSVP to: inouradirondacks@gmail.com so we are sure to have plenty of food and drinks.
How many will attend? Will you bring your favorite chili?
Your Hostess : Nora Nellis
Rt. 9N, Lake Luzerne Rd., Lake George, N.Y.
Directions: Exit 21 Adirondack Northway
From the south: left at end of exit ramp
From the north: right at the end of the exit ramp
app. 3/4 Mile north on 9N, Lake Luzerne Rd.
Watch for Signs
Again, please RSVP at: inouradirondacks@gmail.com
2. Preston Jenkins Fundraiser With Mike Russo
There will be a fundraiser for Preston Jenkins, Saratoga County Treasurer tomorrow, Thursday October 12th from 7 - 9PM at the Wilton Elks Club, Route 9-just north of Broadway.
Mike Russo, the host of the shows “Cooking for Kids” and “The Heat is On”, will be making a special home town appearance on October 12th at Wilton Elks in Saratoga Springs.
Tickets: $20
Available at the door or online
Or Call Mary Meade at 518-307-1855
3. Special Tim Merrick Press Conference On Betty Little, Brennan Center and Electioneering Abuse
45th State Senate District candidate Tim Merrick has called a special press conference:
"The Brennan Center for Social Justice revealed this week that the New York State Legislature continues to be the most dysfunctional and ineffective in the nation. State Senate candidate Tim Merrick said part of the blame has to be placed with incumbent Senator Betty Little who has failed to address the issue or fight for needed reforms." and,
"Merrick cited as one example of the Senate’s corruption, the fact that Senator Little did not support public campaign financing, yet used public funds herself to send out two different mailers just weeks before the election.
He will outline her involvement and call for changes at press conferences at Democratic Headquarters in Plattsburgh and Glens Falls on Friday October 13th; 11:00am in Plattsburgh, 2:00pm in Glens Falls."
Tim is asking area supporters to come and show their support at Democratic Headquarters on the corner of Bay and Maple Streets across from Crandall Library in downtown Glens Falls. That's Friday at 2pm.
4. Iraq For Sale
You probably all got a message from DFA in Burlington about the new video Iraq For Sale, which describes the incredible corruption of the occupation of Iraq by the Bush administration.
This is a major event, and we are pleased to endorse Matt and the Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe's screening of this important video!
Friday, Oct 13 IRAQ FOR SALE (2006) Robert Greenwald 75 min.
Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, and Uncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncovers the connections between private corporations making a killing in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.
RSVP at: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=12132 to show your support. It will also be screen on October 20th!
5. Tabling and Canvassing
*We will again be tabling during the Farmer's Market on South Street in downtown Glens Falls this Saturday, October 14th from at least 9am (and probably 8am) until about 11am. Come out and show support for all our candidates!
For more info and to RSVP go to: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=11212
*Like last week, we will be organizing a door to door canvass during Saturday's tabling. Come and check before 11am at the Farmer's Market -- We need as many people as we can get! You can take these home with you and bring them back later.
*There is also a need for people to do phone banking. That's like canvassing, only you do it sitting in the office. Offices have been opened first in Saratoga Springs, the Hudson Falls and now Glens Falls. There are phones in each that need staffing. If you have a few hours to spare each week, let us or Patrick Layden know at (518) 796-0109.
*Have you seen the Gillibrand Wing? It's a pickup with a Gillibrand sign "flying" from the tailgate. Doug Auer at daauer@aol.com is looking for locations on main roads with heavy traffic. The idea is to move it from place to place regularly.
6. Bought And Sold Showing In Saratoga
The video Bought & Sold; Electronic Voting In New York will also be shown by the Saratoga Peace Alliance at 5:30PM, Wednesday, Oct 18 at the Skidmore Campus, Dance Theater across from the Tang Museum , south end of Campus. Enter off North Broadway in Saratoga Springs.
7. State Senate Debate 10/19
There will be a debate between Republican State Senator Betty Little and Democratic State Senate Candidate Tim Merrick on Glens Falls station TV-8 on October 19th at 8:30. You may have to be in the Glens Falls/Queensbury area to see this debate, but it should be worth it.
8. Empty Chair Debate 10/26?
The Post Star is attempting to force a debate between Republican Rep. John Sweeney and Democratic candidate Kirsten Gillibrand. The paper has reserved Heritage Hall in the Glens Falls Civil Center on October 26th, and my understanding is that the paper and Kirsten will be there. And Sweeney...? As they say, tune in for the next episode in this long running saga.
Thanks everyone,
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Merrick Press Conference In Glens Falls on October 6th: The Environment and APA
On Friday, October 6th, Democratic State Senate Candidate for the 45th District Dr. Tim Merrick held the last in a series of weekly press conferences in Glens Falls and Plattsburg. Friday's conference was on the environment and reforming and building a new cooperative relationship between local governments and Adirondack residents and the Adirondack Park Agency.
The full text of all of Tim's press conferences and other positions are online on the blog at http://www.votermerrick.com .
All photos by Richard Dudley.

Merrick takes the podium.

Outside, after the conference, Merrick (center) with Hudson Falls Mayor and 112th Assembly District candidate David Carter (left) and Warren County Democratic Chairman William Montfort (right). Congressional candidate Kirsten Gillibrand keeps an "eye" on things from inside.

"Dr. Tim" on the APA.

Another picture of Montfort, Merrick and Carter. This time Senator Clinton keeps watch from inside.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Tricounty DFA Meetup Report: Carter Endorsed, GOTV, Electronic Voting and more...
It's been an exciting week! In this update:
1. Glens Falls Meetup Report: Dave Carter Endorsement
2. GOTV activities: Tabling, Canvasssing, Phone Banking and the Wing
3. Bought Sold: Electronic Voting In NY video and actions
4. Merrick Press Conference Friday
5. Olbermann Channels Murrow Again
6. Dean On Scandals
7. Gillibrand and Hoyer At Skidmore
8. Washington County Democratic Women's Luncheon
9. Friday Film Fest
10. On The Lighter Side: Hide the Perv...
1. Glens Falls Meetup Report: Dave Carter Endorsement
We had an exceptional Glens Fallls Meetup last Wednesday at the Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe. The first order of business was a presentation and Q& A with Hudson Falls Mayor David Carter (you may have seen Bonnie Neumann's report in today's Post-Star), who is running for the 112th Assembly District seat.
According to Carter, he was inspired to run against incumbent Republican Assemblyman Roy McDonald when he discovered as Mayor how unresponsive McDonald was to the needs of local governments and communities. "I went to meet him," Carter said, "and the first thing he told me was not to expect a handout." I think we'd all agree with Dave when he says, "What is happening in this country today, especially in Washington County, is that the middle class and the working class is being replaced by the struggling class."
After a warm reception, we voted unanimously to endorse David Carter.
Dave needs volunteers and help in his campaign: if you want to volunteer or help go to his new DFA-Link page at: http://www.dfalink.com/campaign.php?id=1979
We also spent a good deal of time talking about what we can do to support candidates this fall.
2. GOTV activities: Tabling, Canvasssing, Phone Banking and the Wing
We also discussed Get Out The Vote activities between now and November.
*We will again be tabling during the Farmer's Market on South Street in downtown Glens Falls this Saturday, October 7th from at least 9am (and probably 8am) until about 11am. Come out and show support for all our candidates and bring a friend. We also expect to be doing voter registration at the Market, so we do need helpers!
For more info and to RSVP go to: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=11212
*Afterwards we've been canvassing door to door in Glens Falls. Like last week, we will be organizing this week's canvass during Saturday's tabling. Come and check before 11am at the Farmer's Market -- We need as many people as we can get! You can take these home with you and bring them back later.
*There is also a need for people to do phone banking. That's like canvassing, only you do it sitting in the office. Offices have been opened first in Saratoga Springs, the Hudson Falls and now Glens Falls. There are phones in each that need staffing. If you have a few hours to spare each week, let us or Patrick Layden know at (518) 796-0109, we got quite a few volunteers at the meeting, but need more.
*Have you seen the Gillibrand Wing? It's a pickup with a Gillibrand sign "flying" from the tailgate. Doug Auer at daauer@aol.com is looking for locations on main roads with heavy traffic. The idea is to move it from place to place regularly. Please contact him right away if you have one.
*There are also some events in the works: More details later.
3. Bought Sold: Electronic Voting In NY video and actions
After GOTV, we had a terrific presentation and video by Bob Millman, creator of Bought and Sold: Electronic Voting in New York. I've seldom seen a more rapt audience-- it's a remarkable presentation of the folly and dangers of electronic voting machines, and also very much the radical waste of tax dollars they will entail. For instance: we are told that optical scanned ballots are too expensive at $.30 each, but an electronic voting machine has to be reprogrammed for each election at an average cost of $2 per voter. This is a boondogle of boondogles, as well as a threat to our democracy.
A number of our members are now contacting members of the Warren and Washington County Boards of Supervisors. We are going to try and screen Bought and Sold for them and other supervisors. If you know any members of these boards, and think you can get them to watch it, please contact us or Bob Millman at r.millman@att.net
If you want a copy of your own, they are $15. Again, contact bob at r.millman@att.net and he will send you one.
Many thanks again to Bob for coming up from Scotia! We will continue to pursue this issue in the near future.
4. Merrick Press Conference Friday
State Senate Candidate Tim Merrick will be holding his final Press Conference unveiling his positions on the environment and the APA on Friday, October 6th at Noon. The location is the new Democratic Headquarters in the Rogers Building on Bay and Maple Streets in downtown Glens Falls, across the street from the Crandall Library.
We are strongly urging everyone to come to this last conference to show support for Tim and his platform of state government and property tax reform, among other issues. Again, Friday at Noon at Bay and Maple in downtown Glens Falls.
5. Olbermann Channels Murrow Again
MSNBC newscaster Keith Olbermann delivered another stunning rebuke to Bush and the right again tonight in a special commentary, and every line is precious, and extraordinary. He humbles the utterances of the rest of us.
"The President doesn't just hear what he wants. He hears things, that only he can hear.
"It defies belief that this President and his administration could continue to find new unexplored political gutters into which they could wallow."
Yet they do."
Listen to the whole thing. You must:
6. Dean On Scandals
Governor Dean speaks out in the latest issue of U.S. News and World Report on the breaking scandals in Washington. Says Dean, "For those who have known what this group of Republicans is about, it's not a surprise that this should happen. They've put the interests of their party ahead of the interests of America and they've done it for six years... "
and, "I think that this is just a firestorm. I had airport mechanics talking to me about it on the road. I mean, when that starts to happen, you know this is an issue that matters a lot." For more: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/061005/5dean.htm
7. Gillibrand and Hoyer At Skidmore
Our Saratoga County Chair Larry Bulman sends this invitation!
Congressman Steny Hoyer Democratic Whip (MD-5) & Kirsten Gillibrand, Democratic Congressional Candidate (NY-20)
Congressman Hoyer, the 2nd highest-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, and Kirsten Gillibrand, the Democratic Congressional Candidate running against Congressman John Sweeney in our Congressional district, will be holding a Take Back the House Rally at Skidmore to talk about why these midterm elections are so important.
Come listen and share your ideas!
Monday, October 9th at 12:45 in the Spa (Skidmore College, Case Center, 1st floor)
For information contact Eric Hyers 518-584-7532
* Due to campus parking, you may want to arrive early (12:30pm)*
8. Washington County Democratic Women's Luncheon
The Washington County Democratic Women's Committee will hold their Fall Luncheon on Saturday October 14, 2006 at the Skene Manor in Whitehall, NY.
The luncheon will be from 12 noon until 2pm.
Special Guest Speaker will be Michelle Paige Patterson.
The cost is $25 per person. Please call Ellen Faber for reservations at 518-677-8345
For more info go to http://www.washingtoncountydemocrats.com
9. Friday Film Fest
The Rockhill Bakehouse Progressive Film Fest continues this Friday at 8pm with:
Oct 6 LAAL SALAAM (Red Salute) (2001) Docudrama (based on true incidents)
Hindi (EST) Director - Gaganvihari Borate 130 min.
Peasant and indigenous peoples’ rebellion have a history of several centuries in South Asia. The 20th and 21st centuries are also witness to insurgencies challenging the rule of landlords as well as the State. Across the central part of India from Maharashtra in the West to Bengal/Orissa in the East a significant struggle, little reported outside India in the mainstream media has been evolving over the past 3 decades. This docudrama, based on actual events, is a theatrical account of the lives of 6 characters that are engaged in an effort to mobilize the population
towards an alternative just society. The film sensitively portrays the hopes, contradictions, betrayals and emotional attachments of the people.
And on October 13th and 20th comes the DFA-National endorsed Iraq For Sale.
Oct 13 IRAQ FOR SALE (2006) Robert Greenwald 75 min.
Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, and Uncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncovers the connections between private corporations making a killing in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.
RSVP at: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=12132 to show your support.
10. On The Lighter Side: Hide the Perv...
Finally, on the lighter side, Drew sent this along from the Huffington Post-- "Hide The Perv" Guess who...? An early Halloween special: http://helphastert.cf.huffingtonpost.com/
Thanks Everyone!
Larry Dudley
Monday, October 02, 2006
Tricounty DFA Update: Link-Up Meeting Wednesday-- Dave Carter, GOTV and Voting Machine Video and More
Hello Everybody;
This has been an extraordinary few days with the release of Bob Woodward's new expose and the exploding House Page Scandal.
In this update:
1. Wednesday Meeting Reminder: Carter, GOTV Activities
2. Special Video Wednesday-- Bought and Sold: Electronic Voting In New York
3. Merrick Press Conference Friday
4. Governor Dean In NYT
5. Tabling And Canvassing Saturday
6. October 13th-- Last Day To Register To Vote
7. Gillibrand Fact Check
8. Tenet Warned Rice
9. Friday Film Fest
1. Wednesday Meeting Reminder: Carter, GOTV Activities
Greater Glens Falls Democracy For America will be holding its October meeting next Wednesday, October 4th at 7pm at the Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe in downtown Glens Falls.
Hudson Falls Mayor David Carter, who is running against incument Roy McDonald in the 112th Assembly District, will making an appearance to speak, answer questions and seek our support.
Second, We will be discussing what we can do in the next 41 days to help our candidates get elected: Canvassing, building the Neighborhood Network, phone banking, Get Out The Vote and more.
For more info, to RSVP or to get Google map directions go to DFA-Link at: http://www.dfalink.com/group.php?id=113
2. A Great New Video On Preventing Election Fraud On Wednesday
Third, we will be having the Glens Falls area premier of Robert Millman's new video, Bought and Sold: Electronic Voting in New York. Here is the description of this new expose of risky, fraud prone electronic voting machines:
"Do you trust political parties and government to protect your vote???? Do you know about the reliability of the voting machines being marketed in NYS? This 45-minute film produced in 2006 explores how the selection of new voting equipment required under the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) has been skewed in favor of DREs (direct recording electronic voting machines), in spite of serious unanswered questions about the danger of vote tampering and verifiable voting."
As I noted before, I get more emails about voting technology and our ballots being secure than any other subject. From what I understand, the video is full of new revelations!
3. Merrick Press Conference Friday
State Senate Candidate Tim Merrick will be holding his final Press Conference unveiling his program and critiquing the record of incumbent Republican State Senator Betty Little on Friday, October 6th at Noon. The location is the new Democratic Headquarters in the Rogers Building on Bay and Maple Streets in downtown Glens Falls, across the street from the Crandall Library.
Tim's bid for the state senate was recently endorsed by Democracy For New York, our "parent" state-wide coalition. Earlier this summer he was also endorsed by our group and North Country DFA, our fellow group in Plattsburg.
We are strongly urging everyone to come to this last conference to show support for Tim and his platform of state government and property tax reform, among other issues. Again, Friday at Noon at Bay and Maple in downtown Glens Falls.
4. Governor Dean In NYT
There was a large and important article about Governor Dean, the Democratic National Committee and the "controversy" over the 50 State Program, which has massive backing from rank and file Democrats and the State Parties. There is still friction being generated by the inside the beltway kleptocrats who want a top-down party they can sell out to corporate interests. The piece, which is really quite favorable but fair to all parties, makes it clear Dean is on the right track: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/01/magazine/01dean.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1
There's also a Kos posting on this article and also the competition over where the next Convention will be, and why that is happening. These are great reads: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2006/9/28/17232/0507
5. Tabling And Canvassing Saturday
We will again be tabling during the Farmer's Market on South Street in downtown Glens Falls this Saturday, October 7th from at least 9am (and probably 8am) until about 11am. Come out and show support for all our candidates and bring a friend. We also expect to be doing voter registration at the Market, so we do need helpers!
For more info and to RSVP go to: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=11212
Afterwards we've been canvassing door to door in Glens Falls. Like last week, we will be organizing this week's canvass during Saturday's tabling. Come and check before 11am at the Farmer's Market -- We need as many people as we can get! Canvassing is easy-- just talking to neighbors, who after all, are people just like you.
6. October 13th-- Last Day To Register To Vote
The election is getting near, so a reminder is in order-- the LAST DAY to register to Vote is October 13th. If you haven't registered or know someone who has registered, you need to do so soon. To register to vote call the County Board of Elections in the county where you live. They will send you a mail-in form, or you can visit the office to do so in person.
7. Gillibrand Fact Check
Rep. John Sweeney has a new attack ad slashing at Kirsten Gillibrand. Her campaign has sent out the following fact sheet:
"The Facts on Gillibrand's Tenure with HUD:
"Gillibrand worked at HUD between May 2000 and January 2001 as Special Counsel to HUD Secretary, Andrew Cuomo. While at HUD, Kirsten worked on a piece of legislation called America's Private Investment Companies (APIC) developed to help distressed communities. President Clinton said APIC "will help revitalize communities so that they can take advantage of the strength of the economy and help those left behind in our economic boom." (Clinton remarks, 10/20/1999). She also worked on the enforcement of the Davis-Bacon Act. Yet, the Sweeney ad makes at least two patently false accusations about her public service at HUD. If legible, the "facts" the ad cites, would reveal these allegations have nothing to do with Gillibrand. The advertisement states that Gillibrand played a role in the Erie Canal Corridor Initiative; however, this initiative was started in 1997 and transferred to Governor Pataki's control in 2000. Kirsten was not at the agency during the creation of this initiative and she never worked on or managed the project. The advertisement also claims that Gillibrand was responsible for the mismanagement of funds at HUD in 1999. Kirsten was not part of the agency during this time period, nor did she have any ability to control funds within the agency. "
8. Tenet Warned Rice
I am pasting at the bottom a posting Drew send me about CIA Director Tenet, Condoleeza Rice and 9/11. The White House was warned about 9/11and they ignored the warning. Then they lied about it to the 9/11 Investigating Commission. This is more fallout from Bob Woodward's book and it is extraordinary in it's implications. Why, exactly, did they do nothing? There was more today by Dan Froomkin in the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/linkset/2005/04/11/LI2005041100879.html
The Foley scandal may be getting more headlines right now, and it could tip a congressional seat in Western New York our way (it's possible Democrats could win all four Western NY seats held by Republicans), but in the long run, this is a much bigger story.
9. Friday Film Fest
The Rockhill Bakehouse Progressive Film Fest continues this Friday at 8pm with:
Oct 6 LAAL SALAAM (Red Salute) (2001) Docudrama (based on true incidents)
Hindi (EST) Director - Gaganvihari Borate 130 min.
Peasant and indigenous peoples’ rebellion have a history of several centuries in South Asia. The 20th and 21st centuries are also witness to insurgencies challenging the rule of landlords as well as the State. Across the central part of India from Maharashtra in the West to Bengal/Orissa in the East a significant struggle, little reported outside India in the mainstream media has been evolving over the past 3 decades. This docudrama, based on actual events, is a theatrical account of the lives of 6 characters that are engaged in an effort to mobilize the population
towards an alternative just society. The film sensitively portrays the hopes, contradictions, betrayals and emotional attachments of the people.
And on October 13th and 20th comes the DFA-National endorsed Iraq For Sale.
Oct 13 IRAQ FOR SALE (2006) Robert Greenwald 75 min.
Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, and Uncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncovers the connections between private corporations making a killing in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.
RSVP at: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=12132 to show your support.
Thanks Everyone! See you all Wednesday and don't miss the article below.
Larry Dudley
9/11 Commission not told of key meeting between Tenet and Rice pre-9/11, Tenet warned Rice we were about to be hit, Rice ignored him
by John in DC - 9/30/2006 12:55:00 PM
I noticed this buried in the Washington Post story last night about Woodward's book, and Editor & Publisher picked up on it too. Here is Editor & Publisher's excerpt of it. This is a big deal. It's the most important piece of evidence, other than the PDB, showing that the Bush White House ignored the signs that 9/11 was coming. How the hell did the 9/11 Commission miss this? This is long, read it:
Tenet called Condoleezza Rice, then national security adviser. "For months," Woodward writes, "Tenet had been pressing Rice to set a clear counterterrorism policy... that would give the CIA stronger authority to conduct covert action against bin Laden.... Tenet and Black hoped to convey the depth of their anxiety and get Rice to kick-start the government into immediate action.
"Tenet had been losing sleep over the recent intelligence. There was no conclusive, smoking-gun intelligence, but there was such a huge volume of data that an intelligence officer's instinct strongly suggested that something was coming....
"But Tenet had been having difficulty getting traction on an immediate bin Laden action plan, in part because Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld had questioned all the intelligence, asking: Could it all be a grand deception? "
Woodward describes the meeting, and the two officials' plea that the U.S. "needed to take action that moment -- covert, military, whatever -- to thwart bin Laden."
The result? "Tenet and Black felt they were not getting though to Rice. She was polite, but they felt the brush-off. President Bush had said he didn't want to swat at flies."
"Tenet left the meeting feeling frustrated. Though Rice had given them a fair hearing, no immediate action meant great risk. Black felt the decision to just keep planning was a sustained policy failure. Rice and the Bush team had been in hibernation too long....
"Afterward, Tenet looked back on the meeting with Rice as a lost opportunity to prevent or disrupt the attacks. Rice could have gotten through to Bush on the threat, Tenet thought, but she just didn't get it in time. He felt that he had done his job and been very direct about the threat, but that Rice had not moved quickly. He felt she was not organized and did not push people, as he tried to do at the CIA.
"Black later said, 'The only thing we didn't do was pull the trigger to the gun we were holding to her head.'"
At the close of this excerpt, a Post editor's note states:
"How much effort the Bush administration made in going after Osama bin Laden before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, became an issue last week after former president Bill Clinton accused President Bush's 'eocons' and other Republicans of ignoring bin Laden until the attacks. Rice responded in an interview that 'what we did in the eight months was at least as aggressive as what the Clinton administration did in the preceding years.'"
Then we learn the following:
"The July 10 meeting of Rice, Tenet and Black went unmentioned in various investigations into the Sept. 11 attacks, and Woodward wrote that Black 'felt there were things the commissions wanted to know about and things they didn't want to know about.'
"Jamie S. Gorelick, a member of the Sept. 11 commission, said she checked with commission staff members who told her investigators were never told about a July 10 meeting. 'We didn't know about the meeting itself,' she said. 'I can assure you it would have been in our report if we had known to ask about it.'
"White House and State Department officials yesterday confirmed that the July 10 meeting took place, although they took issue with Woodward's portrayal of its results."
Nice. Well, as I recall, DoD and FAA also apparently lied to the 9/11 Commission and that's a crime. So who at the White House "forgot" to mention this key meeting to the commission, and was that a crime as well?
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Charter Commission Get the Facts series
The 2006 Charter Commission in Saratoga Springs has scheduled a series of "Get the Facts" events where voters can ask questions and find out information about the proposed charter amendment that will be on the Nov. 7th ballot:
October 3, 2006: 7pm Get the Facts series. Library Community Room (commission members will speak and answer questions)
October 5, 2006: 7:30 pm Interlaken presentation (commission chair Beth Hershenhart will speak and answer questions)
October 12, 2006: 7pm Get the Facts series. Library Community Room (commission members will speak and answer questions)
October 19, 2006: 7pm Get the Facts series. City Hall 3rd floor (commission members will speak and answer questions)
October 25, 2006: 7PM Get the Facts series. Library Community Room (commission members will speak and answer questions)
